Quiz: Is Montessori Right for Your Family?


1. I want my child to become more independent.

2. I want my child to have hands-on, real world experience.

3. I want my child to work for inner fulfillment and sense of discovery.

4. I would like my child to develop their attention span.

5. Multi-sensory experiences are the best way to learn. 

6. I want my child to be self motivated and self paced.

7. I believe learning is fun for my child.

8. I would like to encourage and develop my child's love for learning.

9. I would like my child to have the chance to learn proper social skills.

10. I would like my child to be a confident problem solver.

If you answered "True" to all or most of these questions, 
Montessori is probably a great fit for you and your child!

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