Sensorial Materials and education of children often take a back seat to Math and Language. Mostly, because it is easier to measure progress and successes in the areas of Math and Language. Also, because reading and understanding simple math processes are the 'standard' measure of success that most parents look for. Sensorial education is just as important as the other subjects in Montessori. In fact it is the preparation for ALL critical thinking and observation.
The Sensorial materials are designed to be very unique and interesting to a the child. Generally, they have nothing like this at home and this naturally interests them.
The Materials prepare and refine the senses used to take in knowledge.
Their natural curiosity and need to "touch everything" is the inner drive to gather information from the world around them. This desire is encouraged and they find gathering this raw data, and to classify it deeply satisfying.
Dr. Montessori said: "We cannot create
observers by saying observe, but by giving them the power and the means
for this observation and these means are procured through education of
the senses. "
When a child manipulates any of the Sensorial Materials they are gaining a deeper understanding of the world and the skills and vocabulary to draw information from their surroundings wherever they are. THAT is true education- giving the child the tools to build intelligence independently.